Short Update
Like I said before at some point on here, I'm currently competing at STN which is a media production competition. We competed in crazy 8 on Saturday, which I'm in news mag, specifically PSA, and I'm so happy with how it came out. Today, we had excellence night in which we basically submit like pre-made stuff. Our weekly show, Aftershock, won for the first time in a decade which is lowkey crazy. I'm not technically a part of Aftetshock, but a PSA that I worked on was used so I guess I'm like an honorary winner or something. Anyway what I'm getting at is that I'm really, really tired so this post will be short.
When we were starting to develop the idea, we knew that we wanted that humanity aspect in the story. At first, we kinda thought maybe having the scientist become close to the main character but that's too cliche and doesn't really work because the scientist would remain pretty objective and removed from the situation. Then another idea we had was a maid, but every time I tried to think of how to include it, it just felt really stupid. So we talked to Stoklosa and she was like what about an engineer, and it makes so much sense. Like of course there would be an engineer for like bi weekly checks. But also, it's so perfect to add an aspect of intimacy. And we could do some really cool shots with this. Okay yeah that's all I've got. Sorry for the short post.