Sunday, September 24, 2023

Camera Shots and Angles Process

For this assignment, we were to tell a story using only inanimate objects and camera shots/angles. Our story was to be told through a series of 15 carefully chosen and organized shots to convey our narrative. 


For this quiz, we were assigned to work with a partner, mine was Alexandra. Our first step was to decide what our subject would be. This was, in my opinion, the most difficult part of the assignment. Since we were to only use an inanimate object as our subject, we were limited to the materials that we had in the classroom or our backpacks. Eventually, we settled on usings Alexandra’s Black Panther Figure/keychain. Then we began to brainstorm on story ideas. Our final story was of a figurine trying to escape the constraints of a backpack. Before shooting, we put together the story through our series of shots and angles. We first came up with each scene and then connected which shot and angle would best fit the tone or feeling that we were trying to get across. One of the major problems we had while shooting was that the figurine was quite small, making it hard to get certain shots. We utilized a lot of high angles and close angles to, 1) get the tone across and 2) show the figurine's expressions. These shots were particularly difficult to get because of the keychains size, we had to resort to creatively including books and other materials out of frame to be able to use the shots to their proper effect. Eventually, we got all the shots and arranged them into a Google Doc with a description under each one.


Overall, I'm quite proud with how the project ended up coming out. I think we chose our shots well for the story we were trying to tell. To improve, I would have gone with more creative angles. While the shots we chose fulfilled their purpose, I think we could have done a better and more intriguing project if we had utilized more imaginative framing and shots. One other thing that I would have changed was to not use as many repetitive shots to keep the story flowing better.

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