Monday, October 30, 2023

Soundscape Project Process

Final project:  


For this project assignment, we were to create a narrative soundscape. Using no video or visual components, our job was to collect a variety of sounds and make our own foley sounds to tell a story. 


I was assigned to work with Cody for this project. We started off just with brainstorming a general idea and environment for our soundscapes. Our original idea was to set the project in a New Year's celebration, but we worried it would be too basic, so I joked that an alien invasion wouldn't be basic, and we shaped our idea around that.

After developing the general story (someone investigates strange noises coming from outside), we began to brainstorm the noises we would use to tell our story. We separated each scene onto a google doc (screenshot above) and then came up with as many sounds to create a realistic environment. During the next class period, we each worked on collecting as many sounds as possible from sound effect databases and chose which sounds we would do with foley.  

The rest of the project we worked on separately. Since we had already chose the sounds and planned out basically everything, working on it individually wasn't too hard. I worked on some of the foley sounds like the footsteps and plant rustling, meanwhile Cody edited the project on Premere Pro and recorded any of the sounds that we were missing.


Honestly, I actually really liked how our project turned out. I think that the planning stage really helped us bring the story to life. To improve, I would have included maybe less sounds at times. For example, when he's running outside, it's a little hard to hear over the sounds of the rain and wind. I also think that we could have made it slightly longer and more suspenseful.

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