Wednesday, March 27, 2024


    Fonts are oh so important to developing the tone of a movie, especially in its opening. Imagine if the title drop in Jaws was in comic sans...

A Little Bit of Research

    Did a some research on horror movie fonts before choosing my own. I chose to look at the credits and title drops of movies that I specifically know have a somewhat similar opening to my own (all horror too).
Raw title screen

    First one I chose to watch was from Raw. This title drop occurs right after a mysterious car accident. I love how the bold font chosen, matched with the opening scene, really leaves an impression for audiences, and expectation for what the rest of the movie will be.

Credits from A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night
Title from The Conjuring
    Second ones I went with was this credits scene from A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night and The Conjuring. Like the one for Raw these are bold fonts. Both are put on black and white backgrounds, with the fonts being white. Since my own title drop would be behind a red and black background, I think the best would be to have it in a red font. The credits would be in a white font to contrast against the black. 

    Last credit scene I looked through was Climax. I chose this one because there's like three different title drops throughout the movie and also a couple of credits scenes, as shown by the screenshots above. I was hoping that since so many different fonts and colors are used, I would get some ideas from from it. Unfortunately, the style of Climax is much more neon and "fun" than what I was envisioning. 

My Own Final Result
    I created the title and credits on Canva. While I know how to use Photoshop, I just prefer Canva, it's easier to use for me. The final fonts I chose were Inria Serif and Paalalabas Wide. Here is the final result:


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 Film Opening  After so much stress and nights without sleep, it's finally out, hope you enjoy! Here it is. Whoop whoop