Sunday, March 24, 2024

 I’m Back and Better than Ever

    Apologies for the hyper pessimistic blog post on Thursday, but it really made me reflect on my work for the past few months. I wasn’t happy at all with how the filming experience went, or how the final footage came out. I was so mad that I spent these last two months working on this only for it to come out like that. So I decided to take a risk. I reshot everything.

Popular stan twitter reaction image of Amy Adams screaming in Sharp Objects

  I decided to do it my way this time though. I’ve filmed everything in the class with my phone, so I would do my final project with it too. I contacted the same actors as before, one cancelled on me unfortunately, but I was able to get someone else relatively quickly luckily. And it went great! This time around, I felt so much more comfortable directing people. I changed the setting I had originally chosen to be my garage, which I think genuinely made all the difference. My dark, mesy garage is so much more atmospheric and I think made everyone seem so much more confident in what we were working on. I fixed lighting to make it darker and creepier. I’m just so proud with how everything ended up coming out and I could not be more happy at my decision to reshoot. Sometimes being a perfectionist is for the better.

Anyways here are some pictures on set and some of the footage (sneak peaks…)

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 Film Opening  After so much stress and nights without sleep, it's finally out, hope you enjoy! Here it is. Whoop whoop